On the World

Our Planet / Taiwan Defeats Western Civilization

July 31, 2017

If the world today were not gravely effected by political and economic dysfunction, we would have been talking about great advancements in politics and economics, sciences, engineering, arts, etc. Following a series of societal organized criminal atrocities Taiwan committed against me with consequences threatening to poison civilization everywhere, recently my food and drink were tampered to attack my digestive system with immediate damage and rising cancer risk in the future. To defend civilization against Taiwan's pernicious assaults, we elaborate on Taiwan's bullshit practice to signal what to avoid if civilization is to survive.

Common folks are skeptical what possible damage bullshit may deal. How could simply saying words deal large damage? Unlike wise men, common folks forever deceived by politicians never realize politicians often commit war crimes exactly with words. The voice uttering bullshit may be mild, but the damage realized through the hierarchy it commands may not.

We have seen how Taiwanese murdered Taiwanese with bullshit accusations, but while western civilization was aware of the danger, Taiwan isn't and the world today where Taiwan values erode western values faces civilization meltdown beyond philosophical research spheres.

To make the issue obvious, just imagine how the story of accident sounds if the missile Taiwan fired toward China reached mainland, not Taiwanese fisherman. Murdering fisherman is bad enough, but triggering war with China with bullshit causes is far worse. The current world suffers from bullshit and its consequences, but how could bullshit prevail?

Max Weber thought he discovered the protestant ethic that gave rise to capitalism, but clearly capitalism doesn't require it to prevail and bullshit culture may wield capitalism to victory. Which modern nation state capable of serious war crimes doesn't embrace capitalism?

The pernicious evil of bullshit is especially erosive because its existence, unlike revolutionary communism, isn't automatically marginalized under capitalism. The society must be alarmed to guard itself against bullshit occurrences. Taiwan must be civilized or the world risks triggering idiotic warfare the other day. Civilization, not bullshit culture, must command the capitalist hierarchy.

However, as every economics researcher knows, civilized capitalism is highly non-trivial and dangers comparable with Eurozone crisis that may temporarily replace civilization with tyranny are persistent phantom menace. Temporary tyranny with a missile is enough to throw nations of people into abyss. How to restore and fortify civilization, how not to allow bullshitters to prosper?

The unpleasant current status is that economics of bullshit is largely ignored and poorly understood because common folks can not discern how themselves could possibly be so foolish to reinforce pervasive bullshit to victory. The awkward study on how bullshit may prosper must be taken if reliable defence for civilization against bullshit is to be systematically practiced.

Will western civilization survive? Or will we have USA, EU, UK as mere shadows of Taiwan essence?

[On the World]