On the World

Taiwan Foolishness and Globalisation Trilemma

January 20, 2017

Capitalist globalisation is a prominent and critical transformation for our generation, born late 20th century or early 21st century. It has been a tremendous international capitalist victory even as financial crises destroyed national economy, one by one.

It's well-known that globalisation, nation state, and democracy pose contradictions. What's the value of another article about it?

Well, we are talking about Taiwan, a island that gave Hillary Clinton three little pigs for her Presidential campaign, placed national bet on Clinton victory, and generated global fuss and international diplomatic crisis with a phone call appeasing Trump after realizing the three little pigs blessing should have been given to Trump, not Hillary Clinton.

We aren't talking about random Taiwanese. It's about Taiwan President, her ruling political party DPP with its sibling/foe KMT, and their popular support among Taiwanese. They committed crimes against humanity and tortured me on daily basis for about a decade.

To take the trilemma a step further, while globalisation along with nation states may cripple democracy, other options aren't guaranteed desirable. Global federal democratic regimes with Greek values don't always please Germans, and vice versa. On the other hand, democratic nation states often can not shield themselves from global financial crises.

A successful globalisation depends on the wise, the good, the intelligent to prevail globally. What if we have a island like Taiwan and people like Taiwanese that prevail?

Assassination is common to wipe out political rivals or dissenters. This is Taiwan! Taiwan democracy! Then on another island we have tragic Jo Cox and Brexit. Google Annette Lu or Sean Lien. It's not a war against communism that Taiwanese assassinate key figures. It's a war against civilisation.

Torture is rampant to disable critics and activists. Taiwan had a popular anti-corruption campaign and a anti-free-trade campaign, the former crushed for treason, the latter elevated to complete legislature filibuster with brutality from both sides. Even USA can be proud. Black Lives Matter gathered widespread coverage and didn't break America. Judge Garland and Trump sound rational. Oh?

Crimes against humanity are arbitrarily employed to neutralize nonsensically chosen targets. I hope I don't have to remind you Taiwan fired missile toward China and hit Taiwanese fisherman. Do you believe it's entirely a accident? Or fake news and hacks against 2016 USA Presidential election are accidents?

If you love Taiwan, you should accept its consequences listed above. Why blame me while it's Taiwan that poses real danger to global community?

The future of globalisation is in your hands.

[On the World]