On the World
Observation / Not Very Smart Smartphones
March 5, 2018
Recently, malicious corporations, governments, and media employed disinformational and physical attacks against us as excuses for politicians' crimes and possibly to demonstrate how smart modern computer industries have become. As a scientist who worked on and understood the limitations of computation and various kinds of intelligent machines, a response to these criminal and disinformational abuses is appropriate to advise and to protect the public from bullshit propaganda.
It's well-known that political and criminal activities often take advantage of surveillance coverage computer industries offered to overwhelm singled out groups with superior computational and coordination capacity. Presumably, this is a act of intelligence that empowers smart, though malicious, attackers to triumph over those with less resources. Yet the intelligent triumph of Silicon Valley giant corporations didn't stop rival USA President Donald Trump from victory and imperial aggressions.
Unless Silicon Valley is willing to swallow the premise that President Trump is vastly smarter than all the people and resources Silicon Valley commands, we must declare the truth that various kinds of intelligent machines, including smartphones, are seriously flawed or not smart enough in many ways.
If very smart Silicon Valley commanding smartphones is not enough to defeat President Trump at various fronts, these intelligent machines are simply stupid at these specific areas.
Why are smartphones stupid in many ways?
The primary advantage smartphones provided for ordinary citizens is easier messaging, comprehensive maps, timely social media, etc. These efficiency gains have little to do with the overall advancement of wisdom and higher intelligence for the society as a whole. If people spend too much time on these efficiency gains, the opportunity cost might even be lower level of wisdom and societal regression. A society that drops the study of good economics and communication strategy for more time with smartphones can not outsmart Trump reliably.
For corporations, smartphones are objects for organizational command and PR propaganda, not teaching wisdom to the general public.
There is a tendency for supposedly smart people like Chomsky or Stephen Wolfram to regard computation as the source of high intelligence. The result of the doctrine to completion is to make President Trump unstoppable as every supposedly intelligent human spends time on cellular automata generation with Mathematica. If rivals all love time spent playing with cellular automata all day, why does President Trump need to worry about opposition?
Performing cellular automata generation on a computer isn't smart enough against President Trump and Chomsky along with Stephen Wolfram failed to acknowledge the obvious. Is it surprising that a society guided by Chomsky and Stephen Wolfram also elected Trump as their President?
The tragic fact is that the economic cause of recent USA and global societal regression is extremely elementary that most actions demand opportunity costs. Details may vary, but very smart Silicon Valley commanding smartphones didn't outsmart Trump's Presidential campaign, which is a well-established fact, not speculation.